Birthday Countdown!

22815572 10159441955875043 3370745047158377642 n 240x300 - Birthday Countdown!It’s only 8 days (and counting) until a wonderful day… my birthday!

25th April we celebrate the completion of another year of my birth.

If you’d like to show your appreciation – whether you are a friend, acquaintance, fan, admirer then it’s a good time to break the ice!

I have a number of ways, for all budgets.

Perhaps you’d like to get me a birthday drink (click)

or pay towards the cost of my birthday meal (click) (actually we’re going for burgers, but the price is around the same)

there’s also my wishlist (click)

or just a cash tribute (click)

I’d also massively appreciate Libidex gift vouchers (click)

Equally, you can always just help yourself to my clipstore (click)

It’s all appreciated – there’ll be thank you’s all round.